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Website build and branding photography

The Brief

Corby Gymnastics Academy needed a new website, complete with new photography and copywriting, when issues started arising with their previous website design agency. It was essential for the backend of the website to be user-friendly and connect with their current email system.

Website Design and Build

Corby Gymnastics Academy had a solid brand in place, but after their previous website design agency closed business, they needed a new website that they could easily manage themselves. Our solution, to build a WIX website, proved very popular with the management team who loved the ease of creating new pages, adding content, and changing forms. We created a much more modern version of their old website, bringing it to life with fresh branding photography. 

To showcase their venue and quality of coaching, Corby Gymnastics Academy needed their photography completely updating. We spent two sessions with the club to capture a range of images from elite gymnastics to fun-filled recreational sessions. We also photographed professional headshots of all members of staff for use on the website and across other marketing materials. 

Branding Photography

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